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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Calvin's 3rd birthday

This is a test to see if people who visit this blog can see this video on facebook even if they are not facebook members. Just click below. If any of you out there happen to try this and are not on facebook, Will you let me know if it works? Thanks!

Happy Birthday Calvin!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Born to die

How could it be that the God of this universe would take thought of man - such a helpless, sinful, rebellious race?

Yet our Lord was born this day to die.

How could it be that he would chose such a helpless state in which to come? He needed fed, clothed, washed, burped...unable to do anything for himself. Where was his power and his majesty and glory?

He was born as a baby to die.

They wanted a king. They wanted a ruler and a commander who would show everyone who was truly in charge. They wanted a savior who would free them from their oppression.

They were not looking in a stable. They were not looking for an infant. They were not looking for a messiah who was born to die.

Oh Lord, you could have done such great thing! You could have lasted more than 33 years. You could have done so much more with your power and helped so many more people. You could have commanded respect and honor and worship!

But this is not why you came...you were born to die...

So that a sinner such as I might live!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thank You!

Well, it has been a long, long time since I have posted anything...maybe it has been a long, long time since there has been anything worth posting. Seriously, I sometimes sit at my computer longing to write on my blog and realize that I have nothing significant, intriguing, thought-provoking or exciting with which to clutter cyberspace. And so I thought it best to just imagine that people thought I was not blogging because I was so busy or so incredible engrossed in bettering humanity. Isn't there a quote somewhere that you make people think you are wise by not opening your mouth?

All that said, I am compelled to write a deep-hearted THANK YOU to my husband, Peg, Jen and my mom for helping me and my FAMILY survive this past week of sickness. Apparently I was a little sicker than I thought as Jeff was ready to call in a room for me at the hospital.

Thank you Jeff for being such a compassionate doctor/husband to your stubborn wife and for going over and beyond your call of duty to make sure I got rest. You amaze me at your ability to get things done and keep the ball rolling. You humble me with your selfless actions to care for me.

Thanks Peg and Jen for stepping in/forcing your way in to take care of kids. I felt like an idiot letting you do it so much, but realized it was truly the pride of my heart that caused most of my shame.

Thanks mom, for making me food when you can hardly get around yourself.

The Lord has indeed shown me again His Grace, his healing mercy and His love through his saints. I am in awe. AND, I am certainly glad for health once again.

Now, that is worth writing about!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wild One!

This is my wild girl.

I love this picture of her because it displays her spirit so well. She is carefree, doesn't care what others think of her, independent, infectiously joyful, and has a passion for everything she does.

She enters into projects head first, full-speed ahead, without a thought of what she might need or what obstacels she might encounter. This I love about her. But when she does hit a barrier, she wants me to fix it right then and there or she will scrap the project altogether, leaving everything right where she pulled it out. Wading through debris from the wake of her ambitions can be a frustrating and sometimes terrifying feat.

Along with her enthusiasm, she can be scatter-brained, careless and well....how can I say it....annoying. Jeff says that I am too hard on her and I am sure he is right. As I have been told by so many, you dislike most in your kids what you see of yourself. So now I have just told you what I am like much of the time!

Her lack of focus has been a difficult thing in school and we have had some tearful nights as she struggles to focus enough to study for her tests. I wish so much I could take some of her struggle away and we are doing things that will hopefully benefit her and help her concentrate better. But I know that the struggle is part of the journey, is it not? If we did not struggle, we would not strive and we would not need to rely on our Lord for his strength and grace and help in time of need.

So I am thankful for Cosy, her struggles, her annoyances and her very precious spirit. She is teaching me so many things about myself and revealing so many of my own weakness and faults and sinful areas.

Whenever I think of my Cosy I see this face...this smile....this light and thank the Lord once again for her!

PS. In case you were curious, the winner of the Leman Limbo was my brother-in-law Brad. Who would have thought???

Monday, November 8, 2010

Doing the Leman Limbo!

We had a terrific time this weekend with all of the Leman Clan. Chris and Dana and the girls came down from MN, while Jeff and Jen, Brad and Erika and Mom and dad came up from Central IL for a grand meeting at the Dells.

Cousins had a wet reunion splashing at the wave pool, and scaring themselves on the big water slides. We adults squeezed ourselves into our suits and tried to avoid getting splashed...but alas, we did end up having to go down some of those crazy slides with the kids. I found that I do not handle those adrenaline pumping rides like I used to. I cannot scream as high (although it is just as loud) and I now feel like I am going to throw up at the end of it. THEN I have to listen to my children announcing, "you should have heard mom scream...you should have seen how scared she looked....blah, blah, blah....

The first night Jeff and I threw a Mexican fiesta party. We had a ball listening to Mariachi music and eating cuisine that Jeff grilled up the night before. But the best part had to have been watching the Lemans do the Limbo!

Can you guess who the winner was? If you know any of the Lemans, take a guess and I will tell you in my next post.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gram's Birthday

Last weekend, we had the privilege of helping Jeff's mom celebrate her 60th birthday. I am assuming it is okay to tell her age since she threw the party.

The kids had a ball eating lots of good food, listening to some ol' time live music and dancing with their cousins, uncles and grandparents.

I was impressed with how many of Mary's old high school friends were there. They have kept in touch over the years and continue to just have a ball together laughing and sharing memories.

Watching mom and dad "whoop it up" seemed a little strange to me....like I shouldn't be there. I almost felt as if I was invading. I enjoyed seeing them have so much fun though and I can't help but chuckle thinking of what will be going through MY kids' heads when I throw myself a 60th birthday party.

Happy birthday, mom and thanks for sharing it with us! We all love you dearly!

Monday, November 1, 2010


V-ery, very excited to play!

O-h, we have to pay more money for yet another thing??

L-ong drives for short games

L-earning to loose with grace

E-ager, energizing smile from Cosette

Y-elling louder than the other parents

B-oo Yah! (What Cal likes to yell when they score)

A-lways running back for missing knee pads or socks or hair band or shoes or....

L-earning teamwork

L-earning to LOVE the game

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Little Stud Muffin...

I kept trying to get a good picture of Calvin at my mother-in-law's birthday party (will further describe her party in another entry to come) and he thought it would be much more fun to see how many different faces he could make. Despite all my efforts and stifled chuckles, I never did get a good picture of him. I am so glad he did not behave this way for Tami when she took his professional pictures a couple of weeks ago...

Then after dinner tonight Jeff told Calvin to show me how he could do inverted push-ups. He hopped out of his little booster chair, got Cameron out of his seat and proceeded to show me this!

Needles to say, I was very impressed with my little stud muffin!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This has been one of those weeks that I wish I could push the replay button and just start it all over again.

For some reason (as if I am surprised...) I have just allowed my mouth to flap and words come out flying that should not have come flying. Now, if you know me at all, it was nothing malicious - more just stupid...comments that make it very clear I was not thinking through the situation one iota.

So is this a maturity thing or am I forever destined to make these verbal flubberations?? If it is a lack of maturity, I am praying that I would grow up by next week...or tomorrow would be even better.

The worst part is that I replay the moment over and over and wish I had not said it or wish I could somehow change it and I realize that in itself is immaturity.

No one died. No one was mortally injured. It's done. It's over. Get on with it and move forward. It has been a busy week...a very busy week...so much more to think about; to deal with.

And so I am reminded that I am in a good place when I feel incapable - perhaps even a little overwhelmed. I pray that it ever draws me nearer to my Lord. I pray that it helps me see those around me who are being bombarded more than me. I pray that I will give others grace just as I so much need His grace in every moment of my day....

Ah....here is a terrific verse for me today...

"Gracious is the Lord, and righteous;
Our God is merciful.
the Lord preserves the simple;
When I was brought low, he saved me"

Psalm 116: 5 & 6

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weiner Roast Time!

How can you make it through Fall without at least one wiener roast? Well, the Leman's gathered together despite the call for rain; piled up the wood, broke out the wieners and buns and prepared for a nice long night around the camp fire.

We had a terrific time for the first hour and half and then down poured the rain! At least we got the hot dogs cooked (actually some were barely warm and others were blackened to a crisp) and then enjoyed some cozy time inside the house thanks to Brad and Erika.

I used to dream of these annual wiener roasts when we lived in India and was surprised at how I could have such longing feelings toward a hot dog. There is just something about getting together with family in the cool crisp air around a fire...something about the smells...the sound of crackling wood and giggling children....It stirs memories of times past and pulls us away from the present worries.

Thanks Jen for getting us together and thanks Brad and Erika for opening up your home. We had a terrific time!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Happenings

Jeff was gone for much of the week last week so I was single mom. It all went well and the kids and I had a wonderful time together. We were able to get out on the weekend and go hiking and we spent time with great friends. But it was tiring and I was very ready for Jeff to be home.

So last night I told Jeff he was in charge of the kids and I ran to the mall to do some shopping for family pictures. Which, by the way, I absolutely hate shopping for very specific items. You usually cannot get any good deals that way and you can never find just the color or size or style that you are looking for without visiting every single store in the mall. I visited every store and went back to some several times and still did not find everything that I needed.

I got home and Jeff told me everything went fine. Fine. Specifically I asked how things went..."fine." How were the kids? "Fine."

So this morning Cal gets up and runs to tell me good morning. One eye is swollen half shut...

I asked Jeff what happened and he said, "Oh yeah. Calvin fell down the stairs and a little later he fell and hit his head on the corner of the fire place."

We supposed to have family pictures in three days. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to turn purple in about 18 hours....Hmmm....

At least I got an evening out.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Conner!

Seven years ago, Conner entered our lives and they have forever been changed. The Lord has given Conner such a unique mix of gifts and interests. Although he is usually living in another world or another galaxy, he seems extremely bright and (what I love the most) a very sensitive little boy. He is concerned about other's needs, and other's feelings. So far, is is very tender to discipline is shows great remorse for sin.

I am so excited to see how the Lord is going to use him as he grows. He has been such a blessing to our family. Happy 7th birthday, Conner. We love you so!

PS. I tried to include his traditional video but am having trouble...I will have to try again later.

Grandma is just not quite sure what to think of these spy glasses that she bought for Conner...

And a Happy Birthday to you, goofy boy!

Why waste calories on cake when you can just have this?!?

We now have a fish - actually two. Thanks Gramps and Gram for the gift!

Monday, September 20, 2010


We were on a long trip not so long ago when Conner started telling us that he when he grew up, he wanted to be President of the United States. We asked him why and he said, "That way when people run over squirrels in the road, I can put them in jail."

His thoughts always seem so random to me, but I know that there is ton running through that cute little head of his.

Well the other day, I was taking Cameron and Cosette somewhere and this squirrel ran across the road. I braked, but the thing just started running in circles and despite my swerving (I know you are not supposed to swerve in the road for a small varmints) I heard and felt a small thud on my back tire.

I felt a little sick and took a glance in the rear view mirror and saw a brown furry clump with a twitching tail.

There was silence in the car and then after a minute Cameron piped up, "Good thing Conner wasn't in the car."

So unless Conner reads my blog in his free time, he will never know of the poor squirrel I killed and hopefully when he becomes President, he will have mercy on his mother who one day may kill again.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sweet with a capital "S"

Once again, my NZ friend sent me a link to this video. This video was made by a husband to his wife for her birthday and apparently he is battling cancer. He managed to get the NZ Prime Minister involved as well as Hugh Jackman (great actor). And yes, Gus, this made me cry!

Happy Birthday Video

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Mom is home again...the tests that they were planning on doing were cancelled as they felt her aortic valve was not working well enough to even do the tests. So she is home resting...Part of the problem was that she had taking her Lasix (water pill) that kept extra fluid from becoming too much load on her heart. I did not know this. So...perhaps she will be feeling better soon.

I had a chance to talk to her Sunday and had an encouraging time in the Lord with her. We talked of heaven, how the Lord is still using her here and now, the kids, memories....it was a good time.

Thanks for your prayers - I continue to thank the Lord for this time with mom and dad.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Update on mom

For those of you who have been asking about my mom, She is in the hospital again. She has been getting weaker and unable to eat well. She has lost over 20 pounds since in about a month. Yesterday she became short of breath and called me unable to talk to me in complete sentences without grabbing breaths.

She went to the ER and is now admitted for further tests on her heart and lungs. They are suspecting heart failure, but are unsure at this point.

My mom is tired and discouraged. Please pray the Lord will make it clear to her that she is still here for such a time as this. He has not chosen to take her yet, so she still has a purpose for being here. She is discouraged because she thinks there is no point in her being here because she cannot do anything. It is all that she can do to even get out of bed in the morning. Please pray for joy in the midst of sorrow and pain for her. Please pray that I will know how to bless her....

Thank you for your prayers....mom also thanks you :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Fun!

We had a great Labor Day weekend and celebrated Labor Day by hanging out with our brother and sister-in-law and cousins.

The Labor Day parade in Bloomington is the best parade to go to for getting lots of candy. Our kids are now guaranteed to have rotting teeth before their next dentist appointment.

Calvin loved all the big trucks but was not so fond of their horns.

Then is was off to the counsins' house to swim and play for the afternoon while the MEN smoked ribs on the grill.

We are so proud of our feminine little girls....

Little Brock wanted to make sure and get in on some of the fun...

Ah, dry rub baby back ribs!

The men bravely and sacrificially tasted the ribs first to make sure they were safe for the family.

Feast time...This was definitely a man's meal with lotsameat. We are not in India anymore!!!

I think it is always good to include the things that don't go so well too...In every season a little rain must fall and in this case, a little raspberry vinaigrette....

Thanks, Brad and Erika for such a great day! We love being with your kids and you guys are pretty fun as well (har, har).

Love making memories together!