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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wild One!

This is my wild girl.

I love this picture of her because it displays her spirit so well. She is carefree, doesn't care what others think of her, independent, infectiously joyful, and has a passion for everything she does.

She enters into projects head first, full-speed ahead, without a thought of what she might need or what obstacels she might encounter. This I love about her. But when she does hit a barrier, she wants me to fix it right then and there or she will scrap the project altogether, leaving everything right where she pulled it out. Wading through debris from the wake of her ambitions can be a frustrating and sometimes terrifying feat.

Along with her enthusiasm, she can be scatter-brained, careless and well....how can I say it....annoying. Jeff says that I am too hard on her and I am sure he is right. As I have been told by so many, you dislike most in your kids what you see of yourself. So now I have just told you what I am like much of the time!

Her lack of focus has been a difficult thing in school and we have had some tearful nights as she struggles to focus enough to study for her tests. I wish so much I could take some of her struggle away and we are doing things that will hopefully benefit her and help her concentrate better. But I know that the struggle is part of the journey, is it not? If we did not struggle, we would not strive and we would not need to rely on our Lord for his strength and grace and help in time of need.

So I am thankful for Cosy, her struggles, her annoyances and her very precious spirit. She is teaching me so many things about myself and revealing so many of my own weakness and faults and sinful areas.

Whenever I think of my Cosy I see this face...this smile....this light and thank the Lord once again for her!

PS. In case you were curious, the winner of the Leman Limbo was my brother-in-law Brad. Who would have thought???

Monday, November 8, 2010

Doing the Leman Limbo!

We had a terrific time this weekend with all of the Leman Clan. Chris and Dana and the girls came down from MN, while Jeff and Jen, Brad and Erika and Mom and dad came up from Central IL for a grand meeting at the Dells.

Cousins had a wet reunion splashing at the wave pool, and scaring themselves on the big water slides. We adults squeezed ourselves into our suits and tried to avoid getting splashed...but alas, we did end up having to go down some of those crazy slides with the kids. I found that I do not handle those adrenaline pumping rides like I used to. I cannot scream as high (although it is just as loud) and I now feel like I am going to throw up at the end of it. THEN I have to listen to my children announcing, "you should have heard mom scream...you should have seen how scared she looked....blah, blah, blah....

The first night Jeff and I threw a Mexican fiesta party. We had a ball listening to Mariachi music and eating cuisine that Jeff grilled up the night before. But the best part had to have been watching the Lemans do the Limbo!

Can you guess who the winner was? If you know any of the Lemans, take a guess and I will tell you in my next post.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gram's Birthday

Last weekend, we had the privilege of helping Jeff's mom celebrate her 60th birthday. I am assuming it is okay to tell her age since she threw the party.

The kids had a ball eating lots of good food, listening to some ol' time live music and dancing with their cousins, uncles and grandparents.

I was impressed with how many of Mary's old high school friends were there. They have kept in touch over the years and continue to just have a ball together laughing and sharing memories.

Watching mom and dad "whoop it up" seemed a little strange to me....like I shouldn't be there. I almost felt as if I was invading. I enjoyed seeing them have so much fun though and I can't help but chuckle thinking of what will be going through MY kids' heads when I throw myself a 60th birthday party.

Happy birthday, mom and thanks for sharing it with us! We all love you dearly!

Monday, November 1, 2010


V-ery, very excited to play!

O-h, we have to pay more money for yet another thing??

L-ong drives for short games

L-earning to loose with grace

E-ager, energizing smile from Cosette

Y-elling louder than the other parents

B-oo Yah! (What Cal likes to yell when they score)

A-lways running back for missing knee pads or socks or hair band or shoes or....

L-earning teamwork

L-earning to LOVE the game