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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We have moved!

For all who may want to visit us, we have moved to a duplex in Morton, IL!

While it has been fun setting up house, Jeff and I have both felt a great tension in buying stuff...how much is enough? We realized that you do not have to make a decision to get things ( i.e. the chair now needs a pillow, the pillow needs a matching lamp, the lamp needs a color-coordinated picture, etc...), but rather you need to make a decision not to get carried away with getting things.

Jeff made the statement last night, "We spent the last year in a borrowed home with two of the ugliest couches I have ever seen and we were perfectly happy." And that is really it, isn't it? We want this to be our home for now; we want it to be inviting to all who come through, but Oh Lord, please guard our hearts as we make each decision of what is really necessary! As we heard in a message last Sunday, "Today's comforts become tomorrows necessities"!

I had to write a letter last night to our house help in India explaining to them that we were not coming back in the near future and I realized how much of my heart is still there. India seems very distant from our air-conditioned bedroom, pristine sidewalks and double wide driveway absent of cows and monkey doo-doo.

Lord, keep India fresh on my mind and in my soul, help me to enable my children to continue to passionately pray for this country and for its people...

And...as a side note, my mom really seems to be suffering as of late. How I wish I could take some of the pain for her....thanks to those who are praying for her...it sure has been a terrible thing to watch.