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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Jeff and I had the blessing of spending a couple of days in Virginia a couple of weeks ago. My friend, Julie braved watching all of our kids and both sets of my parents helped as well.

It was a wonderful time to get away as we had not really had time to process all that was going to change due to our decision to stay in the States for now, and we just needed some down time.

Virginia is beautiful with its gentle rolling hills, vast country side and southern hospitality. We stayed in a bed and breakfast where we just hid away in the afternoons in our room and feasted on delicious breakfasts in the mornings.

Here are some pictures of Monticello - Thomas Jefferson's life long work. It was an amazing place to walk through - especially his gardens. He also worked on some interesting inventions. Jeff wondered how one man was able to do so much (i.e. he wrote down every single plant that he planted and how it grew, and the weather and temperature every single day for about 40+ years.) I reminded him that he owned many, many slaves and he must have been good at designating.

Strange how he wrote in the constitution that all men were equal and had the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, yet he was never able to come to the point to free his own slaves.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Well I finely found my camera and I will work backwards posting some recent events...these past couple of weeks have been bulging to over-flowing with stuff to do, but I find this relaxing and a nice distraction for a few moments.

So before I get back to packing boxes I will post some before and after pictures that Cameron took of the van which we been borrowing this past year.

Hopefully Jeff's aunt and uncle won't see the before pictures (cringe)! I decided to post these because people (including me) seem to be into transformations - houses, make-overs, weight loss...I have been amazed since coming back to the states over how many reality t.v. shows there are about transformations.

Strange how people so desperately want to transform their world, whether it be their bodies or their surroundings. Has the Lord put it in every heart the need to be transformed? And yet most of them miss the greatest transformation that only Jesus Christ can bring.

So, enjoy the transformation of our van and be reminded that we have been called as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ to help transform the hearts of those around us.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chicken Soup

I just found out tonight that my mom is in one of the stories in the book, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" (volume 2). There is a woman who shares her story about how her husband left her for another woman and how she was trying to figure out how she was going to get a job and take care of her two children. She met my mom at a restaurant and my mom encouraged her to consider graphic arts as she thought this woman had a nack for it. She had never before considered it but decided to "follow her dream" and really succeeded in doing well in all sorts of art things.

Anyway I thought it was a nice story about my mom and her ability to encourage others and we needed some encouragement tonight as mother and daughter.

So, amidst this poor writing tonight, I hope you find you enjoy this little story and perhaps pick up the book someday and look for JoAnn in it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A time to Share

So...I was chatting with a friend of mine and she thought I should share a little of the journey that we have been on for the past month or so.

As many know, we have been agonizing over the decision of whether we should return to India as planned or if we should stay stateside to be with my mom and dad and help her through her journey of bone cancer. I cannot express how difficult of a decision this has been for Jeff and I...we truly wanted to honor the Lord in what we did and we wanted to be where he was directing us.

Since our decision to stay, I have been blown away by how the Lord has provided for our every need. The day we decided, Jeff was offered a full-time position at a family medicine residency program. In a matter of about two weeks we found a perfect 3-bedroom duplex for rent with just the right location for us. We have been looking for a van to buy as we have been borrowing one since we arrived home last year. We just found one today at a dealership where the manager used to a counselor at a boys camp that Jeff used to run, who gave us an amazing deal.

I am realizing (again) that the Lord is ready to provide if we are willing to step out in faith. We knew none of this before we made our decision and this is just confirmation that the Lord is in this and is providing for us.

These are all physical things, and I will share another time of how the Lord has confirmed in our spiritual walks as well.

I am once again humbled by how surprised I am when God's hand moves. Why, oh why would I be surprised???

Mom has been hurting a lot lately and we have just gone up on her pain medication today. If you think of it, please pray that she can find joy in the Lord amidst her pain and that I can walk with her through this in a way that can bless her and encourage her.

May Jesus Christ be praised!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Address

We are officially residents of Morton, IL now and are planning on moving into our new home a week from Friday. And so the packing begins...

Ah, but not until after this weekend when we have a blow-out garage sale at my parents place. Anyone wear XXL men's clothing (from my brother, not from Jeff)?? If you do, you could have a new wardrobe and a very nice one indeed!

One nice thing about moving so often is that you don't have much of a chance to accumulate a bunch of stuff.

Thanks, Lord for providing for us in every way!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Funny car quotes

Conner: "Wow! Look at that Hummus (Hummer) Limo!"

Cosette (as we are looking through a typical used car lot) "Dad, can we get one of the cars with a balloon on it?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where is my camera??

I have so much to share that has happened in the last couple of weeks, but I cannot share them without pictures. As I sat down to write this morning, I cannot remember where the camera was placed and have done a quick hunt without success. As soon as I find it, I will share all!

But for now, time with my Lord...

Friday, May 14, 2010

For Such a Time as This...

And so a new blog starts - I am still trying to figure it all out...

How do you add pages, how do you change the format on each page, etc...That will all come, when I have a few more moments on hand.

But for now, I will just share that for such a time as this, the Lord has seen fit that we stay on this side of the ocean for now. We do not know for how long (although it will be at least a year) and we are surely seeking his leading and wisdom and direction as we embark on this new journey in a strange, big land that they call the United States of America.

It is strange to be settling down here and "digging in our heals" a little. I am so fearful of getting "used" to things here and making it harder for me to desire to return to India some day. Yet, I am confident that the Lord who called me will keep that flame burning in my heart on a daily basis and I will still desire to live as a pilgrim on this earth.

We are in the process of finding a new home and will perhaps even know as soon as tomorrow. I will try and keep this post updated as we go along. This always humors me a little as I have a feeling that my followers are about 5 at this time. (smile) I do find this a wonderful way to log my thoughts, our life, and also keep me accountable in many ways.

So...a toast to this new blog and a prayer for this new adventure that we are on...that we will be faithful to what he has lead us to for this moment in time, and may He be glorified over all!