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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Monday, September 20, 2010


We were on a long trip not so long ago when Conner started telling us that he when he grew up, he wanted to be President of the United States. We asked him why and he said, "That way when people run over squirrels in the road, I can put them in jail."

His thoughts always seem so random to me, but I know that there is ton running through that cute little head of his.

Well the other day, I was taking Cameron and Cosette somewhere and this squirrel ran across the road. I braked, but the thing just started running in circles and despite my swerving (I know you are not supposed to swerve in the road for a small varmints) I heard and felt a small thud on my back tire.

I felt a little sick and took a glance in the rear view mirror and saw a brown furry clump with a twitching tail.

There was silence in the car and then after a minute Cameron piped up, "Good thing Conner wasn't in the car."

So unless Conner reads my blog in his free time, he will never know of the poor squirrel I killed and hopefully when he becomes President, he will have mercy on his mother who one day may kill again.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha! you killer you. Probably by the time Conner becomes president the statute of limitations will be expired on your crime. Wait...there IS NO statute of limitations on MURDER
