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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This has been one of those weeks that I wish I could push the replay button and just start it all over again.

For some reason (as if I am surprised...) I have just allowed my mouth to flap and words come out flying that should not have come flying. Now, if you know me at all, it was nothing malicious - more just stupid...comments that make it very clear I was not thinking through the situation one iota.

So is this a maturity thing or am I forever destined to make these verbal flubberations?? If it is a lack of maturity, I am praying that I would grow up by next week...or tomorrow would be even better.

The worst part is that I replay the moment over and over and wish I had not said it or wish I could somehow change it and I realize that in itself is immaturity.

No one died. No one was mortally injured. It's done. It's over. Get on with it and move forward. It has been a busy week...a very busy week...so much more to think about; to deal with.

And so I am reminded that I am in a good place when I feel incapable - perhaps even a little overwhelmed. I pray that it ever draws me nearer to my Lord. I pray that it helps me see those around me who are being bombarded more than me. I pray that I will give others grace just as I so much need His grace in every moment of my day....

Ah....here is a terrific verse for me today...

"Gracious is the Lord, and righteous;
Our God is merciful.
the Lord preserves the simple;
When I was brought low, he saved me"

Psalm 116: 5 & 6


  1. Micah's Sunday School teacher said the f-word last Sunday. I bet he is going over that in his head, wishing he could take it back. But no, all the kids heard it and probably they all told their parents.

  2. Love ya sis. God is good to humble us, so good. Broken at His feet is exactly where He wants us and exactly where we need to be. The funny thing is that even when I think I am right there, where I need to be, He graciously watches me fall flat on my face once again partly so I will realize that I have not remotely come close to stooping low enough.
