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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh Taste and See...

I have somewhat of a new year's resolution this year.

It all started when I made a special Valentines dinner for the family. Everything in our dinner was red or pink - salmon, radishes, grape tomatoes, you get the drift. So when I was cutting up the radishes, I decided that I should not be wasting the greens on top. I washed them, and then flash-sauteed them with a little olive oil and salt and pepper and served them on top of the salmon. Now the greens were a little strong and a tad bitter for the salmon but the kids liked it and ate it all up, including Calvin.

So my resolution?

To prepare and eat something new from the store at least once a week.

This week, it was Quinoa (pronounce KEEN-WAH). It is a "grain" from South America and has recently gained popularity in the States. It is actually not a grain at all but rather a seed. It was once called the "gold of the Incas" for its dietary qualities. It is a whole protein which means it carries all 9 essential amino acids. So for a vegan (which I am definitely NOT) this would be a food of choice.

I boiled the light-colored flakes with a little salt and butter, cooked it for all but 90 seconds, sweetened with honey and then added some raisins, almonds and a little shredded coconut.

The kids were required to eat one spoonful. Cameron and Cosette were a little leery, but Conner and Calvin gobbled it right up.

The texture is more similar to cream of wheat than oatmeal, but the flavor is very mild and pleasant. It did not seem gluey at all and was a terrific base for all of the other yummy things I put in it.

So there it is...

I cannot wait to see what ends up in my kitchen next week and am reminded that we serve an amazing God who would provide such variety for us to eat. We truly can "taste and see that the Lord is good"!

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