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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary, mom and dad!

These are my parents at Calvin's third birthday party. Today is their wedding anniversary and I thought I should do a little tribute to them. I believe they have been married 47 years (or somewhere close to that.)

As with most couples, they are very different. My dad is 6 ft 6 in.; my mom is 5 ft. My mom is an adventurer - enjoys to travel; my dad is very happy sitting in the chair in his den. My dad loves opera music; my mom runs and hides in another room when he turns it on. My dad likes BEEF, my mom thinks beef gets stuck in her gizzard and would rather just eat vegetables.

My parents got married and realized they could not have children, so adopted three - the third was one from Korea. They, of course, have made their mistakes, but we never doubted their love for us and I am still seeing in new ways how they invested their lives in each of ours in such self-less ways.

They often irritate each other and yet, they so much depend on each other and they will not make a move until they have talked to the other one first. They are committed to one another and for that I am so truly grateful. I have been amazed at times watching my dad care for my mom while she has been sick and seeing my mom more concerned about my dad than herself even though she was the one suffering.

Happy Anniversary, mom and dad. I pray that each day with each other will grow sweeter and sweeter and that your love for each other will continue to blossom and reflect the love Christ has for us, his church.

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a fitting tribute! Your parents have always been a great example, and I feel very blessed to have known them! I can always count on a big smile and hug from your dad when I'm back at Grace Bible visiting my parents.
