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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Food #2

And the new food of the week is CAVIAR. Now caviar is one of those foods that is always joked about, but I have never actually eaten.

I had actually intended to get anchovies as it was "Make your own pizza" night at the Leman house. The "hold the anchovies" was a food joke I wanted to be able to squelch and give us all a taste of what anchovy pizza is all about. But alas, I could not find the anchovies and stumbled upon this modest little jar of Caviar.

Now, this of course is not real Caviar - the real stuff comes from the Sturgeon found in the Caspian sea and is served raw. It was considered the "Peal of the Sea". Caviar sobs would not think of eating this delicacy out of a jar which has been pasteurized, thus altering the texture, flavor and even the smell. I read that Caviar is suppose to smell like a "fresh ocean breeze"....ours smelled like an old sock a fish may have worn to bed.

The best Caviar is from the Beluga and sells for around $174 per ounce. Ours came from some unknown white fish and cost about $6.00.

We added the Caviar to a cracker covered in Camembert cheese (Yum!!) as that seemed like a sophisticated thing to do....

And the verdict??

The little eggs are held together by a thin, sticky goo, but are soft enough that there is not much texture. The flavor is super mild, so it tasted more like cheese that had gone fishy-bad.

None of us were sure what all the fuss was about with Caviar, but I suspect you would have to taste the real thing in order to make a proper verdict. I am guessing the difference is close to eating tuna from a can verses a nice tuna steak at a fish market.

But at least now we can say we have eaten Caviar!

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