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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am currently listening to a sermon on generosity - which I would love to share about in another post, but decided to take a quick brake and make myself a cup of tea.  

This is what I found in the store this week and have now decided I have been completely and utterly DUPPED by some savvy business man (or woman).

I am not dieting, but thought - "Hey, what better way to enjoy my tea than to get some dieting benefits out of it as well??  And with a name like this, it just has to be GOOD."

Can you squint your eyes enough to see the ingredients on the back?  

First the directions say you are not to take it for more than 10 days.  It also says you should not have more than one cup in a 24 hour period.  Okay, so what exactly is in this amazing super tea?

Check out one ingredient - marshmallow root.  First of all, I thought marshmallows were a completely man-made chemical mistake that we somehow decided was a fun thing to feed our children.  I looked it up and it is the root of the marshmallow plant and  It has a mucous type substance that does not dissolve in water and is sometimes used to help with sores in the mouth.   Yes, please put that in my tea so that I can loose weight! 

I stopped there as I did not want to know anymore of what I had ingested or the money I had squandered.

I have learned that I will keep my new trials to only fresh produce, meat and dairy.  Or I just need to take the time to read the label in the store before handing over my cash.

Someone, somewhere is saying right now, "Gotcha!"

1 comment:

  1. my first glance caught the ingredient "senna" as in Senna-kot the laxative? well that's one way to get rid of extra weight... ;-)
