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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey, you home owners!

So we went house hunting today.

We looked at 5 houses today and I have decided I really don't want to grow up and be responsible for a house. To me, it more than just being responsible for keeping up a piece of property or making a house payment. In a strange new way, buying a house seems to challenge my desire to define who I am.

I have looked at houses and thought - well, if I were really humble and didn't care about my temporary life on earth, I would be satisfied with this house and just learn to live with the imperfections and potential problems it may have. After all this world is not my home and I am not to build up treasures for myself here.

Then the practical side of me thinks, I need a house that functions well, will have a good resale value and require little up-care and concern. That way I am making good use of my time and not whittling it (and our money) away on silly busy work projects at home. I can host easily without much worry or hassle - after all what a great way to use my home? I need a nice place in order to do all of this.

The mother inside of me says, I want my kids to live knowing a little need. I want them to have to share a tiny bathroom and not be spoiled by the luxuries of easy living. I want them to be able to live in tight spaces so that they learn tolerance and patience, etc...I don't necessarily want then to have the "easy life"....I want to be able to say "Deal with it!" just one more time.

And the material part of me says, But I just LOVE that kitchen and MUST have it!! (this motive is of course a little more obvious)

So any of you who have been out there and have gone through this, I would so much appreciate your input!! We are prayerfully considering all these options (and more that are out there) and want to approach all of this with wisdom and discernment and I have decided it isn't a bad thing to hear your thoughts, comments, concerns as we consider.

Thanks for your input!


  1. I think it's about feeling at home. In our two purchases it was never about what message we were sending to anyone else. It was our home, we were the ones who had to live with it and care for it. We chose a place we knew we would enjoy spending time with each other and with friends and family.
    I definitely think God provides a peace about the right choice. Not that doubts don't exist, but the peace is louder than the doubt.

  2. Thanks for your comments, Heidi. I do agree that it must be somewhere where we feel comfortable and feel like we can flourish as a family. I appreciate your thoughts!

  3. Such a big decision:) I will pray God gives you wisdom. I think kids get spoiled by a lifestyle not necessarily a house (some people may disagree with me I am aware). Teaching our kids to work hard and do their job as unto the Lord and being good stewards of their money is taught by our day in and day out example. I don't think any of your 5 houses you looked at were over the top so do what you financially can afford.

  4. Some of the main things we have looked for (and will look for again)are:
    - Functionality for ministry (does this home host well...and provide good spaces for conversation)
    - Warm and inviting. Not looking for the lastest showy, flashing things, but a place people feel "at home" upon driving up...and walking in.
    -I plan for my children to have to share rooms. I think it is important in so many ways.
    -Also look for an area in the house where kids (lots of them) of all ages can play without worry so adults can fellowship.
    -a decent sized yard so I can have a garden...and make sure that the neighborhood doesn't have restrictions on gardens, clotheslines, etc.

    Anything else that happens to come with it...is a perk :)
