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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Friday, July 22, 2011

12 years ago...

12 years ago, I looked at this little bundle laying in the hammock in our back yard and although I felt much delight and joy, I more felt an overwhelming wonder of how I was ever going to care for this precious life. I had never done this before and felt unsure of my every move.

And despite the joy holding him for that first time, I had no idea the happiness and laughter and overwhelming love he would bring to my heart.

A lot has happened n 12 years...

He has swam in the Indian ocean...

...watched his grandma eat sushi in Singapore (Jeff tricked her into thinking it was some sweet dessert rather than raw fish).

He has "touched" the top of the Taj Mahal

He had his first broken bone and surgery in India...(and hopefully his last)

He is a spitting image of his dad when it comes to likes and personality.

He is a best friend....

...A lover of music...

A good big brother....

...And in a blink of an eye....

....a 12 year old!!

Happy birthday, Cameron! (two days late).

I cannot tell you how blessed we are to have you in our family and I pray that in God's grace, you will love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind and walk with Him all the days of your life! I truly anticipate having a blast with you this next year!

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