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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Food #3

This week our new food was.....

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts may have been originally cultivated in Ancient Rome but were first popular in the southern Netherlands. Much of the brussel sprouts in the US are grown in California. They are supposed to anti-cancer properties to them.

Most people are leery of brussel sprouts because they have only eaten them when they have been completely over-cooked or are repelled by the smell of those little boogers while they are cooking.

Now brussel sprouts are not new to me, but they are to my children. In India, we could not get lettuce, so the kids were very used to eating cabbage. They thought the mini little cabbages were cute and fanscinating, so that was a good start.

I steamed them and then added a pat of butter and some salt and that was it. I personally think they have more of a bitter taste than cabbage. The kids told me they tasted like broccoli.

Conner kept sneaking more on his plate and looking at me at the corner of his eye - I suppose worried that I might stop him from taking more. Cosette too couldn't seem to get enough of them. Cameron very politely ate his share, but I noticed he did NOT ask for seconds.

And here was what was left at the end of the meal. I heated them up last night for our dinner and Conner and Cosette were fighting over them.

Dear brussel sprouts,

Thank you for making such a hit in our family. I am not terribly fond of you personally, but very glad I have found you and that you are another green veggie that my kids will eat. I hope your popularity continues to grow and that you will not be offended by so many who just misunderstand you.


  1. i saw once on tv this restaurant that made deep-fried brussel sprouts with a special vinaigrette over the top. looked kind of good.

  2. We saw brussel sprouts at a store this year still on their stalk. I had no idea they grew that way but find it very interesting! I thought you might enjoy knowing as well!

    They are pretty good roasted although I think it makes the flavor a little more intense. Brian's mom puts them in a cream sauce - not our favorite!

  3. as a brussel sprout lover, I loved your little note to them :)

    I have also sauted them with a littl bacon pieces and onion...yummy!!

    We grew them in our garden last summer and like the commenter above noted, they do grow on a thick stalk...a really funny looking plant.

  4. Hey, thank you all for comments and helpful hints for brussel sprouts!! Terrific info!!!!

  5. can't wait to hear what next week's new food is

  6. our dil roasts them and they are yummy!
