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Striving to live in the Grace of my Lord Jesus Christ for such a time as this...

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Warrior Dash

For those of you who have questioned, what in the world is this warrior dash that you are talking about??

Well, here it is in a nutshell.

Jeff heard about this particular race from one of his residents at work. It is held all over the the country and traveled to the Midwest last Saturday and Sunday.

It is a 5K race that is run through fields, up and down ravines and through creeks. There were several hundred runners going every half hour so over the coarse of two days, thousands went through this race.

Notice how clean we are at the start...We were actually pretty boring as people were dressed up like cows, ninja turtles, wonder woman, men in skirts....well you get the picture.

The other thing about this was that there were obstacles throughout - mud walls to climb with ropes, cargo nets, beat up cars to climb over, 12 foot scaling walls, moving wood platforms, tire runs...can't remember how many there were.

In the end you come up out of a mud ravine that has been scaled by thousands before you so the mud is as smooth as glass and then it is up and over this structure.

Oh yes, did I mention jumping over fire ?

And the grand finale was crawling under barbed wire through a pit of mud, or rather sludge. We were told later that there had been people throwing up in this mud as they came through.

Ah, the but end was sweet as we stumbled and slipped toward the finish line.

After being showered with a fire hose in a mass crowd, we were awarded with yes, our very own Warrior hat which I have no doubt, we will wear with great pride to all of our social outings from now on.

And I laid my shoes to rest along with the thousands of other shoes that had died such a noble death.

So why did we do this? Are we in the midst of a mid-life crisis (I did just turn 40...)

There is a part of Jeff and I were we are realizing that we need to take those moments in life to be crazy, out of our comfort box and just fun. It was also a good motivation for us to work to stay in shape.

Would we do it again?? Well don't ask me today...

But...perhaps we will be emailing you about this time next year asking if you would like to join us!


  1. I'd love to get the e-mail! Looks so crazy but fun!!

  2. Not going to lie...that looks like a lot of fun. My husband would love it!

  3. You guys are nuts!!! Probably why I think you're so cool. :)
